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Office Of Inspector General

Originally established as an independent oversight authority, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) was created with the specific purpose of conducting comprehensive investigations throughout all levels of the agency, while maintaining a stance of autonomy and insulating itself from external political influences.


The scope of authority and powers of inquiry vested in the OIG are deliberately expansive, reflecting the necessity for a thorough and impartial approach to oversight. This includes the conduct of objective and independent audits, reviews, and investigations that pertain not only to the operations of the Matcom Office of Public Safety but also to entities engaged in business relationships with the agency. Through these multifaceted investigative activities, the OIG aims to achieve several key objectives.


One of the primary goals is to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the functioning of the agency, ensuring that resources are utilized optimally to achieve desired outcomes. Additionally, the OIG is tasked with the critical mission of detecting and deterring instances of fraud, waste, and abuse within the organization, thereby safeguarding its integrity and reputation. Furthermore, by emphasizing ethical, fiscal, and legal accountability, the OIG plays a pivotal role in upholding the highest standards of governance and transparency within the agency and its affiliated entities.


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